The late Pat Summerall’s epiphany, that moment of truth when he knew that he was in serious trouble with alcohol, came while he was broadcasting the 1992 annual Masters Golf Tournament at Augusta, … [Read More...]
Presenting a Message of Hope and Recovery to a Nation in Need

The Drucker influence
“The major successes fighting alcoholism and drug abuse, have been achieved by the local citizens in individual … [Read More...]

Daddy Jack’s legacy
When the late "Daddy Jack" Fryer Jr. got out of jail in Little Rock more than ten years ago he contacted me. He said he would like to work for my publication, "One Day at a Time." I hired him on the … [Read More...]
One Day at a Time – Veterans Ministry

They serve our nation so that we might live in freedom. But, when they return to the land they've served, our Veterans are often lost and forgotten in their own country. Addictive habits become their solace. Let's come alongside them in their time of need because they have been there for ours.